
28.02.2020 — PRAVO.RU: Court practice 2019-2020: key cases

At the conference “Court practice 2019-2020: key cases” Artem Sirota made a report on the topic “Review of disputes on pre-contractual liability: what one should know when coming to the negotiating table”. There were discussed the problems related to bad faith negotiations. In particular, the issues related to proving the absence or loss of intention to conclude the contract, as well as problems that may arise in case of sudden and unjustified termination of negotiations by the counterparty were debated. Artem Sirota also reported on the problems related to recovery of the losses incurred in connection with the failed negotiations (including legal fees paid to lawyers that supported the negotiations), as well as pros and cons of negotiating agreements considering the recent legal opinions of the Russian Supreme Court and the German case law. 

For more information please see the following link.


26.02.2020 — Kommersant: “Leaders of the Legal Market 2020” research results

Kommersant made a research among law firms and, based on the results of the research, identified leaders where, in the category “Best Industry Practices - Construction and Real Estate: Resolving Key Disputes in the Industry”, Sirota & Partners was named as one of the best law firms.

For more information please see the following link.