
02.06.2016 — Businesses Are Now Able to Calculate Costs for Implementation of New Bills Independently

The Ministry of Economic Development has launched a service (see which allows businessmen to calculate possible expenditures due to introduction of laws or departmental orders. Completeness and feasibility of calculations are secured by multiple constants which take into calculation not only material, but also time or administrative expenses.

As an example, by means of the online calculator officials have calculated joint costs which will be incurred by businesses in implementing the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation “On Approval of the Accounting Procedure Relating to Waste Disposal”. As a result, it turned out that businessmen should spend 18 billion 385 million 591 thousand RUR to satisfy the requirements of this document.

Now entrepreneurs are able independently to check expenses against planned purposes and in case of disagreement can express their opinion directly on the unified platform during public discussion of the bills. To what extent these opinions will affect the final fate of the initiatives is still difficult to predict.